
Reading Schedule and Class Friday.

Here is the new reading schedule adjustment:
Through Chapter 6 by Friday.
Through Chapter 8 by the Monday we return.
Finish the book by Wednesday after break.

On the first day of this book (Colonial Present) I distributed a chart. The first box asked you to summarize Gregory's argument. The arrows led to three separate boxes titled "Iraq", Israel/Palestine" and "Afghanistan" respectively. Those boxes asked you to articulate Gregory's argument through the specific case in each box. On Monday after break I would like to have a full class discussion about these four boxes on the chart so come to class prepared to discuss as a full class these three cases and the general argument offered by Gregory. This conversation and the understanding of this book is crucial to your success on the final.

On this Friday, I will be in class to help with either the above task or the midterm or both. I am a resource for you. Come with your questions and with your problems on either and I will help you in class, in groups, individually, or as an entire class, to work your way through the material.
See you on Friday.
