
this is the next step

so, for years I have maintained web pages for my classes. each summer I would diligently convert my syllabi into HTML. at the beginning of each semester I would direct students to those pages. sometimes on the university server, sometimes on a server I purchased hosting from. inevitably though, before the third week of the semester I abandoned the web page except as a reminder for students of what the course syllabus was. i found it too onerous to use the web page for regular communication between myself and my students. e-mail list serves became my default. cut and paste as I browsed and sent along. at the end of each semester however I was left with no continuous record of the communications I had had with my students over the course of the semester.

finally, I gave up on pages a couple of years ago.....but, e-mail is less than adequate, during the semester many students claim not to have received important information I sent via e-mail, and I find course-ware websites as onerous as web pages.

sooooooo, I have decided to make a foray into the blogosphere to see if this might be a means for communication with my students. we'll see how it goes.

below you will find the required book for the classes I am teaching this semester. they were my test posts...with the help of a program called Zoundry.

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Books for Sociology 420

Fear: The History of a Political IdeaThe New Rules of Marriage: What You Need to Know to Make Love WorkAvoiding Politics (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies)

Books for Sociology 420: Senior Seminar
1. A Hidden Wholeness --Palmer ISBN: 0787971006
2. Avoiding Politics --Eliasoph ISBN: 052158759X
3. New Rules of Marriage --Real ISBN: 1400064015
4. Fear --Robin ISBN: 0195189124
5. The Fire This Time --Labaton & Martin ISBN: 0385721021
6. Democracy's Edge --Lappe ISBN: 0787943118

The Fire This Time: Young Activists and the New FeminismDemocracy's Edge: Choosing to Save Our Country by Bringing Democracy to LifeA Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life

Books for SOCI 288

Darwin's Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of SocietyHuman Nature After DarwinThe Marx-Engels ReaderThe Freud Reader

Books for Sociology 288: Marx, Freud, and Darwin

1. The Freud Reader (Paperback) ISBN-10: 0393314030
2. The Marx-Engels Reader (Paperback) ISBN-10: 039309040X
3. Human Nature After Darwin(Paperback) ISBN-10: 0415212448
4. Darwin's Cathedral (Paperback) ISBN-10: 0226901351

Books for SOCI 308

Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization (International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO))Power: A Critical ReaderMountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the WorldThe Wimp Factor: Gender Gaps, Holy Wars, and the Politics of Anxious Masculinity

Books for Sociology 308: Global Peace and Conflict
1. The Colonial Present Derek Gregory ISBN: 1577180909 Blackwell
2. Resource Wars Michael T Klare ISBN: 0805055762 Owl Books
3. Pentagon's New Map Thomas Barnet ISBN: 0399151753 Putnam
4. Wimp Factor Stephen Ducat ISBN: 0807043443 Beacon Press
5. Mountains Beyond Mountains Kidder ISBN: 0812973011 Random House
6. Power: A Critical Reader Egan & Chorb.ISBN: 013183438X Prentice
7. Peace by Peaceful Means: Johan Galtung ISBN: 0803975112 Sage

The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-first CenturyThe Colonial Present: Afghanistan, Palestine, IraqResource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict With a New Introduction by the Author