
Klare 1.0

Michael Klare. 2001. Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict

Klare's basic argument is that many past, some recent and most future conflicts will center around claim about ownership of, transport of, and access to, resources. He covers seven major geographic regions-the Middle East, the Caspian Basin, the South China Sea, and the Nile, Jordan, Tigris and Euphrates, and Indus River Basins-and introduces a host on intrastate conflicts over minerals, diamonds, and timber.

Ch1 The Contexts
US security policy fundamentally changed in the late `90's, both geographically and operationally. Explain.
Explain the new relationship between US National Security and economic globalization.
What basic economic assumptions are built into the economization of National Security?
Explain EEZs and "lootable" resources and how these contribute to contexts of current conflicts.
On pages 13 and 14 Klare refers to Huntington, Kaplan, and Friedman. What is assessment of each?
Klare identifies 4 reasons that he thinks resources will be at the center of future conflicts:
a. economization of security
b. increasing worldwide demand
c. scarcity
d. ownership disputes

I will add a 5th…..Growth assumption and privatization…in a word, NEOLIBERALISM

To Klare, future conflicts will follow this geography….
a. resources that cross international borders
b. oceans and seas
c. transportation routes
d. Intranational factional conflict

Isn't it interesting that Klare is writing this book, making this argument prior to the "War on Terror" and that most if not all of the current new US Military deployments around the world correspond to resource conflict zones with US interests at stake. Isn't it interesting that such deployments and plans for them were well under way prior to the "War on Terror"? Some argue that this tactic is not new, that the "War on Drugs" was/is cover for meddling in the affairs of Latin American counties. What do you think?

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