

Some of you have been asking about the final. It will be a take home final, similar to the midterm. It will be distributed in the class the last week of class and due electronically on the day and time of the scheduled final. For extra credit between now and then, I will take suggestions for essay questions from the peanut gallery of your blogs.


We have 8 classes left counting today. The reading will be as follows:

1. Power: Finish Section I
2. Power: Section II

3. Power: Section III (Class Presentation
4. Power: Section III
5. Power: Section IV

6. Power: Section VI
7. Mountains Beyond Mountains
8. Mountains Beyond Mountains

The next Blog entry will be as follows:

Your country in the news: Post a blog of 250 words describing some recent news story or collection of news stories about your country. This may be a bit challenging to find but there is news on all of your countries on the web and in the periodicals indexed in ebsco-host. Ask the library staff for help if you need it. Due Next Saturday by 4pm.